St Andrews APCM 2020

Dear All

As you may be aware, the Annual Parochial Church Meeting will take place after the 10.30am service on Sunday 25 October. This is effectively the Parish AGM where the PCC and others report on their activities over the past year. Usually this would be held just after Easter, but for obvious reasons, that was not possible this year. Attached to this email are links to the document pack for the meeting, including the agenda, minutes of the previous meeting and statutory reports. Please note – only a limited number of copies of this document will be available at the meeting. Please provide your own if you can.

One of the things that happens at the meeting is the election of representatives from the congregation. This year we are looking for quite a lot of people.

    5 ordinary members of the PCC (three to serve until 2023 and one each serve until 2021 and 2022)
    2 Deanery Synod representatives (both to serve until 2023)
    2 churchwardens (both to serve until 2021)

Ordinary PCC members attend around 10 meetings per year (5 PCC meetings and 5 sub-committee meetings). Most meetings take place in the evening.

Deanery Synod representatives are our representatives to the next level of church governance. They also get to elect representatives to the Diocesan Synod (who set things like the amount of money the diocese wants from the parishes) and General Synod (the Church of England Parliament). They attend around 8 meetings per year (5 PCC meetings and 3 Deanery Synod meetings).

Churchwardens are responsible for the fabric and property of the church. They are also seen as leaders amongst the parishioners and will have a close working relationship with Revd Rosie. They attend around 10 meetings per year, but may undertake more (5 PCC meetings and 5 Standing Committee meetings).

Any of these posts can be held jointly and the qualifications are set out in the attached nomination forms. Nominations would be particularly welcome from anyone who attends (or would attend in normal times) services other than the Sunday 10.30 service. All post holders will be subject to a DBS check.

If you have any questions about the APCM or nomination process, please email

Kind regards,

Rob Taylor-Ailes
PCC Secretary

Please download the Full APCM Pack, and the forms, by clicking on the links below:

If you could bring the APCM document to the meeting, either on your phone/tablet, or printed, it would be appreciated, as only a limited number of copies of it will be available at the meeting.

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